Senin, 19 Januari 2015

Tugas Softskill Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

Nama : Vanya Dwi Pranadipta
Kelas : 4SA01
NPM : 17611247

Soal nomor 2 type A
1. If baby geese is hatched in the absence of their mother, they will follow the first moving object they see.
Answer — "is" should be "are"

Soal nomor 4 type B
2. When she retired in 1989, tennis champion Christine Evert was the most famous women athlete in United Stated.
Answer — "women" should be "woman" 

Soal nomor 7 type C
3. If Rudy would have studied German in college, he wouldn't have found the scientific terminology so difficult to understand. 
Answer — "would have studied" should be "had studied"

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