Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

Gadgets and Children

Gadgets in human life nowadays like a primer needs. It will be hard to ging out of places and got interaction without gadget. Gadget make your life become easier, that statments is valid. You couldn’t say is not true if you realize now even children get addicted with gadget. How interesting. Is thing that makes your life easier couldn’t bring any uneasy situation? Sure it could happen. Every single thing in this life like 2 side of coin you could see bad and good effect from everything so do gadgets. What is that? Children and gadget, nowadays seems like children more interest to playing at home with their PC, playstation or even iPad. Playing games, watching online or something like that. Isn’t it good to have a smart children who could operation technology in such young age? Sure but its also worrying. Why? It seems like gadgets steal their kid-time. A real kid shouldn’t always at home, busy in their gadgets and forget about their social life. A real kid should go out, playing with friends, and experienced such an interest thing like falling from bicyle or lose their kite. As parents all you have to do is controlling your children, its okay to give your children gadget but give them time. You could not let them playing all the time and forgive about their social life. Don’t let smartphone change your smartkid into passive personalities anyway.

[article 4] -Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer
Nama : Vanya Dwi Pranadipta
Kelas : 4SA01
NPM : 17611247

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