Tugas Softskill Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer
Nama : Vanya Dwi Pranadipta
Kelas : 4SA01
NPM : 17611247
Tugas Softskill 1 – Terjemahan Artikel Kebudayaan
Artikel Kebudayaan Versi Bahasa :
Budaya Pop
Modern Korea di Dunia
Dari waktu ke waktu, perkembangan
budaya pop Korea semakin menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Tidak hanya di Asia, budaya
pop modern Korea juga mulai menjamah benua Eropa dan Amerika. Perkembangan
budaya pop modern korea ini tidak lepas dari perkembangan film Korea. Film-film
Korea beberapa tahun terakhir ini mampu berkembang dan semakin populer di
dunia. Sehingga budaya Korea pun juga mau tidak mau ikut populer. Termasuk
trend fashion Korea, yang saat ini mulai mendunia. Mulai dari busana fashion
Korea, hoodie, jaket, tas korea, assesoris Korea, sampai model make up saat ini
mudah sekali menjadi trend di kalangan anak muda di dunia termasuk di
Film Korea terkenal dengan
ceritanya yang romantis, imajinasi yang indah, dan karakter pemain yang khas,
serta pemeran utama yang cantik dan tampan sehingga mudah diterima dan disukai
oleh siapa saja. Hal ini merupakan daya tarik film Korea yang sangat kuat bagi
penonton, sehingga film-film korea mudah untuk segera populer di seluruh dunia.
Dari film-film inilah budaya
Korea diperkenalkan. Mulai dari cara berpakaian, makanan, cara berbicara, dan
etika orang Korea. Tidak heran apabila makanan Korea ikut menjadi fashion dan
trend. Sehingga muncul anggapan bahwa memakai busana fashion korea, berbicara
dengan gaya Korea, dan makan makanan Korea adalah trend. Dan trend tersebut
seolah tidak mampu ditolak oleh mereka para penggemar Korea. Sungguh sesuatu
yang ironi dimana budaya asli negeri sendiri kalah bersaing dengan budaya dari
luar yang notabene belum tentu sesuai.
Musik Korea juga menjadi sangat
populer mengikuti perkembangan film-film Korea. ada banyak sekali artis-artis
Korea yang mempu meraih kesuksesan di dua bidang sekaligus, musik dan film.
Saat ini Korea telah memiliki festival sendiri. Festival ini biasa disebut
Festival Musik Korea, di festival ini terlibat semua artis dan musisi Korea
dari semua generasi di Korea.
Bahasa Korea adalah bahasa resmi
digunakan di Korea baik di Korea Selatan maupun Korea Utara. Bahasa ini digunakan
oleh hampir 80 juta orang di Korea Utara dan Korea Selatan. Bahasa Korea secara
perlahan mampu menunjukkan eksistensinya di dunia berkat perkembangan Film dan
Musik Korea. Banyak orang di dunia ingin mempelajari bahasa Korea.
Perkembangan Budaya Pop Modern
Korea di Dunia yang begitu pesat ini tentu tidak lepas dari peran pemerintah.
Pemerintah Korea sangat concern atau peduli untuk mengembangkan budaya Pop
Korea. Pemerintah Korea menyediakan anggaran khusus untuk menangani bidang ini.
Kebijakan pemerintah Korea ini terbukti mampu memberikan kemudahan bagi
perkembangan dunia hiburan di Korea. Sehingga jangan heran kalau saat ini Anda
menjumpai budaya Korea di mana-mana. Sesuatu yang patut untuk di ambil
pelajaran bagi bangsa Indonesia dalam mengembangkan budaya Indonesia agar mampu
mendunia. Seperti kita ketahui bersama Indonesia lebih kaya akan keanekaragaman
budaya. Jangan sampai budaya kita menjadi asing di negeri sendiri.
Versi Google Translate :
Modern Korean Pop Culture in the World
From time to
time, the development of Korean pop culture increasingly spread throughout the
world. Not only in Asia, modern pop culture of Korea also began to touch the
continent of Europe and America. The development of modern Korean pop culture
is not separated from the development of Korean films. Korean films in recent
years was able to grow and more and more popular in the world. So that Korean
culture was also inevitably come popular. Including Korean fashion trend, which
is now starting to worldwide. Start of Korean fashion clothing, hoodies,
jackets, bags korea, accessories Korea, to make up the current models easily
become a trend among young people in the world, including in Indonesia.
Famous Korean
movie with a romantic story, a wonderful imagination, and the distinctive
character of the player, and the main character is pretty and handsome so
easily accepted and liked by anyone. This is an attraction that is very strong
Korean film to the audience, so the movies korean easy to quickly popular
around the world.
Of these films
introduced Korean culture. Ranging from how to dress, food, speech, and ethics
Koreans. No wonder if the Korean food come into fashion and trends. Thus
emerged the notion that wearing clothes korean fashion, talking with Korean
style, and eating Korean food is a trend. And the trend is not as able to be
rejected by their Korean fans. It's something ironic that the country's own
native culture can not compete with the culture of the outside which
incidentally is not necessarily appropriate.
Korean music
also became very popular following the development of Korean films. there are a
lot of Korean artists who mempu achieve success in two areas simultaneously,
music and movies. Currently Korea has had its own festival. The festival is
usually called the Korean Music Festival, the festival involved all artists and
musicians from all generation Korean in Korea.
Korean is the
official language used in Korea in both South Korea and North Korea. This
language is used by almost 80 million people in North Korea and South Korea.
Korean language is slowly able to show the existence in the world thanks to the
development of Film and Music Korea. Many people in the world want to learn the
Korean language.
development of Modern Korean Pop Culture in the World is so rapid is certainly
not out of the role of government. The Korean government is very concerned or
concerned to develop a Korean pop culture. The Korean government provides
special funding to address this area. Korean government policy is proven to
provide facilities for the development of the entertainment world in Korea. So
do not be surprised if this time you encounter Korean culture everywhere.
Something that ought to be taken lessons for Indonesia in developing a culture
of Indonesia in order to worldwide. As we all know Indonesia is rich in
cultural diversity. Do not get us into a foreign culture in their own country.
Versi Editing
Korean Modern Pop Culture in the
From time by
time, the development of Korean pop culture increasingly spread throughout the
world. Not only in Asia, modern pop culture of Korea also began to touch the
continent of Europe and America. The development of modern Korean pop culture
is not separate from the development of Korean’s movie. Korean’s movie in
recent years is able to growing more and more popular in the world. So Korean
culture is also inevitably come popular. Including Korean fashion trend, which
is now starting to worldwide. Begin from Korean fashion clothing, hoodies,
jackets, korean purse, korean accesories, until make up nowadays become a trend
among young people in the world, including in Indonesia.
Famous Korean
movie with a romantic story, a wonderful imagination, and the distinctive
character of the player, and pretty and handsome main character make korean
movie so easily accepted and liked by anyone. This kind of Korean film attraction are very strong to the
audience, so the korean movie easily popular around the world.
From these
films the korean culture began to knowledge by other people. Ranging from how
to dress, food, speech, and ethics Koreans. No wonder if the Korean food come
into fashion and trends. Thus emerged the notion that wearing clothes korean
fashion, talking with Korean style, and eating Korean food is a trend. And the
trend is unable to be rejected by their Korean fans. It's something ironic that
the country's own native culture can not compete with the culture of the other
culture which incidentally might unnecessarily appropriate.
Korean music
also became very popular following the development of Korean films. there are a
lot of Korean artists who achieve success in two areas simultaneously, music
and movies. Currently Korea has had its own festival. The festival is usually
called the Korean Music Festival, the festival involved all artists and
musicians from all generation Korean and held in Seoul.
Korean is the
official language used in Korea in both South Korea and North Korea. This
language is used by almost 80 million people in North Korea and South Korea.
Korean language is slowly able to show the existence in the world due the
development of Film and Korean Music . Many people in the world would to learn
the Korean language.
development of Modern Korean Pop Culture in the World is so rapid and could not
be separated with the role of government. The Korean government is very
concerned to develop a Korean pop culture. The Korean government provides
special funding to handle this area. Korean government policy is proven to
provide facilities for the development of the entertainment world in Korea. So
do not be surprised if this time you encounter Korean culture everywhere.
Something that ought to be taken lessons for Indonesia in developing a culture
of Indonesia in order to worldwide. As we all know Indonesia is rich in
cultural diversity. Do not get us into a foreign culture in their own country.